Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Growing Up Fast!

Here I am having my baby rice, it's yummy, but not as yummy as my rusks :)

Mummy says I can start my veggys next week! I had a taste while she was cooking and freezing them, like the apple and turnip but wasn't that keen on parsnip. Will see how it goes lol.

I'm almost too big for my chair now, mummy reckons I'm about 21 and a half pounds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We are going up my cousin Donna's tonight, I'm going to meet my new cousin Logan, he's a big boy like me.

Mummy says he came out saturday dinner time 11.59 on the 12th, so I am 14 weeks and 3 and a half days older hehe. He was 8lb 9 and a half ounzes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday 3rd June 2010

Had to go to the torture place again, where they stick pins in you. Mummy says there's one more lot to go until Im a big boy.

Later I had to cry a lot because my leg went red and hurt!
I am ok now though:)

Iv'e started playing more with Jeff, Larry and Nemo, mummy and Daddy think its wonderful, I don't know what all the fuss is about!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Grandad and Auntie Lyn

Here's me with my Grandad Jones, he's funny, he sticks his tongue out at me hehe.

And here's me with Auntie Lyn, she bought me clothes for when Im a bigger boy, I will look soooo trendy :)
(wouldn't change my nap nap though lol.)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Visitors :)

Saw Cousin Charlotte and Auntie Caroline last night, I'm so famous! hehe Cousin Charlotte gave me my bot bot, well I let her hold it. She wouldn't change my nap nap though hehehe.

Played in my playgym, it was so exhausting I fell asleep!

What is going on with my hair!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Mummy recently put me in Pampers, well Daddy bought them. I think I prefer them, they are more comfy and I haven't managed to make them leak yet hehe. I was in Huggies, which are ok, but now I'm a Pampers man :)



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daddy The Farmer

I'm going to be a farmer when I grow up like my Dad, or maybe a builder like my Dad lol.

He's growing me some veg, (whats veg?) anyway it's all mine whatever it is cuz I'm not going to survive on milk alone you know.

I hate baths, loathe them, well sometimes they are ok.....but I hate them all, well not all but most!....Um pretty sure I hate them.
I'm Out!

First thing I remember was some big hands pulling me. They cleaned me and a big man, who I now know was Daddy, cut my cord. Then I was put on my mummy. I remember being very upset at being removed from my nice warm home, I think I deafened everyone lol.

Well that was a long time ago and I'm a big boy now. I've mastered the bottle and the dummy, only suck on that when I'm really angry though lol. I'm eight weeks old now and can hold my head up, well, for a while:)